dscf0380Cancer is a word none of us like to say. It’s a word we would rather not think about. As a three-time cancer survivor, I’ve been forced to consider its effects. One thing God has taught me through my cancer is to have greater empathy for what others are going through. He’s taught me a lot about perspective—what to sweat and what to let go. He’s also strengthened my faith as I’ve been brought face-to-face with my mortality, finding peace and hope in His reality. Faith has helped me as I’ve had to say good-bye (for now!) to those friends and loved ones who fought the good fight with cancer, and then triumphantly went to be with Jesus. Their courageous battles have inspired me as they’ve lived out these words from the book of Job: “The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!” (1:21). My oncologist tells me that my cancer is incurable. That’s okay. For my God is eternal, and I know that whatever time He gives me to serve Him in this life will simply flow into an eternity of being with Him!

What has God taught you through the big “C” or other struggles of this life? What have you learned that you can share with me and others here in the ODJ community?