This poem was written because of Gods love for me; it has been a journey of failures and trials for me to accept His unconditional love. I have wasted time and energy in the pursuit of trying to escape pain through drugs and alcohol. Ii has only been recently that I have come to realize that God loves me just as I am. I don’t have to earn His love; I just needed to believe this and then accept it. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving me.

Thank You, Lord

Thank You, Lord, for loving me just as I am

Thank You, Lord, for setting me free

Thank You, Lord, that you came as the sacrificial Lamb


Your blood on Calvary was shed so that my sins could be forgiven

You bore my guilt and shame

My guilt, my shame that was once hidden

You were nailed to the cross so that I could have life again


By Your death You gave me new life

You rose and conquered sin

You led me out of woe and strife

I know that I am loved and forgiven


I am tired of wandering in the wilderness

I am tired of circling the same old mountain

I want to live a life that is blessed

My old life is over and needs to be forgotten


I need not be defined by my past mistakes

That is not who You created me to be

I have been covered by your loving mercy and grace

You conquered death and now I to can be set free


“Come and follow Me” You told Your disciples

I want to be Your follower—isn’t that the least that I can do?

You died so that I could have a brand new life

I want to lead others to You


Please be patient with me while we go through this journey

I am not perfect and I will make mistakes

Help me to see what You see

Help me to run from dangerous situations with haste


You have given me so much

The very least I can do is give You my heart

I know that I have felt Your loving touch

I don’t ever want us to be apart


This is my responsibility everyday

To surrender my all to You and trust

You will teach me a different way

A heart committed to You is a must


I want to sing a song of victory

I will sing a song of praise to You

You have set me free

You have given me life brand new


It has been a struggle to accept that God loves me just as I am—that I don’t have to earn it. I need to do my part everyday to trust and obey Him. I can’t worry about tomorrow or the future, for God has it under control. I need to make the right choices and try not to worry.

—submitted by Carol Lee Bear, US