“Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as His own children. Now we call Him, “Abba, Father” (Romans 8:12-15).

There’s a scientific term called “cause and effect” that I would like to use today. If you drive a car that’s in need of an alignment and don’t correct the problem, your tires will wear out prematurely. The cause was the front-end on your car needing to be realigned, but the effect caused you to have to replace your tires.

It wasn’t the fault of the tires or their manufacturer; the culprit was the misalignment that was guiding them in the wrong direction. Let’s use this principle to take a closer look at a problem that we’re facing in today’s society: it’s common knowledge that most people are financially struggling. And, as it seems that the grip of the recession increases each month, it begins to wear on people’s hearts and minds. Therefore, we can see that we are definitely dealing with the “cause and effect” principle in almost every part of society, including the church.

As the harsh conditions persist in our lagging economy, it is causing some issues to emerge in the body of Christ. But as Christians, we’re to be led by the Holy Spirit; Paul tells us not to be debtors to the flesh nature, obeying its demands, but we, who are born again, must live according to the Holy Spirit. Since the economy is taking a long time to rebound, it has begun to take its toll on the way Christians think (Just like the front-end of a car being out of alignment.) Anything that is negative or adverse must not be ignored or allowed, but must be properly addressed. What you and I must understand is that this recession isn’t just a natural problem; it has begun to negatively affect people in a spiritual way. So, therefore, it is quickly becoming a spiritual problem.

We must stand on the Word of God, and on His faithfulness to us, in all kinds of situations and calamities, or we will succumb to the strategies of the Devil. Let’s make this word personal to your own situation and walk. Do you wake up some mornings and don’t feel saved? Do you allow your feelings to rule your day? Do you base your obedience to the Holy Spirit on whether or not you feel like obeying? If your answer was “yes” to any or all of the questions, then know that the cause has begun to affect your walk. The Lord didn’t tell Paul to write that we must be led by our “feelings,” because that is the old nature trying to regain control; we are to be led by the voice of the Holy Spirit. You see, just as the front-end of your car being out of alignment will cause it to pull to one side or the other, so it is with the pressures of an ailing economy.

Satan wants us to listen to our emotions and allow our feelings to pull us away from walking by faith in Christ. Just think of this devotion today as an alignment for your walk. The downturn in our finances does create pressures, but the Lord is our Shepherd, and we shall not want. Interject the Word into your pressure so that it isn’t allowed to pull you away from walking according to the Holy Spirit and end up in sin. Sin is a far greater danger than financial woes, because it will separate us from being led by the Spirit of God. Take control over your feelings just like you would over the other tricks of the Devil. Speak the Word over them and bring them into subjection to the leading of the Holy Spirit. You will have a healthier life as a result of aligning yourself with His leading.

Allowing the Lord to Align My Emotions!  —submitted by Asa Dockery, US