I want to share a life experience to encourage others. Here it is:

It was back then in my first day of school in becoming a junior high school student in a Christian School. There were many students from another Elementary school that enrolled in that school, but none came from my school—only me. I was not the one who wanted to move to that school, to be honest. I wanted to stay in my school where I felt like I belonged. But it didn’t turn out that way. My mom insisted that I go to the new one. And since I knew no one, I had no friends. It was desperately terrifying. Sitting in the corner of each class, silently crying, feeling so lonely. Eating at a such large table alone, having no friend to talked to even during recess. It was a first-day experience that I didn’t want to repeat. It made me afraid to go back to school. I cried before going to school, in school, after school. But then one day when I was crying alone in the bathroom, a song was suddenly played over the school’s intercom system. The title of it was “God Cares.”

The lyrics state: “God cares, He understands, every circumstance that you’re going through. Never will He let you walk through the mess alone, and that’s because He cares.”

The song made me realize that God still did care for me. He used an unexpected way to convince me that He knew what I was going through and what I as feeling. Not long after, I made a good friend. Perhaps it was someone God sent to me. Someone whose face always reminds me of God’s care for me.

This is why I told you my story. I want you to know, if you’re in despair, in trouble, experiencing loneliness, He is here. He knows what you’re dealing with, and He will walk right beside you through this mess. Don’t feel alone, He is here. God is your friend, and He fill help you in your loneliness. He will come through for you and give you strength.  —Cindy X, country unknown