I braced myself almost unconsciously as my husband Bill solemnly lumbered through the front door. Wives, after a few years of marriage, know the feeling. The loving, empathetic side wants to help—even embrace—as the streetwise sense whispers, “Leave well enough alone.”

It was a beautiful fall afternoon, not unlike others in the life of public high school teachers in my part of the world. However, the past few months had begun to show the twenty-five years of teaching etched in the frame and face of my six-foot tall husband. I was beginning to realize an almost imperceptible infusion of negative comments about “lack of discipline” and “respect,” “diminished work ethic,” “slipping morals and family values” in place of Bill’s normal love of ideas and learning and dogged determination to pass both on to his 10th and 11th grade students.

Fortunately, empathy won out as I watched Bill slump into his favorite chair and begin to stare outside—obviously unimpressed by the fall splendor. “Can you believe someone stole it?” “Stole what?” I asked. The car was in the driveway, so it couldn’t be that . . . my mind was racing. His wallet was the next worse thing I could imagine. But before I could torture myself further, he offered, “My new Bible.” Only the day before he had purchased an expensive study Bible and had left it in his open briefcase on his desk. After a slight hesitation, we glanced at each other and smiled as neither of us could think of anything better to have stolen.

Three years have passed, and our public schools continue to reflect an endless array of social, economic, and spiritual problems. Although Bill enjoys his teaching, there are times he questions if it is worth it. Yesterday was another of God’s perfect fall days. Bill finished the day at school with its share of joy and irritations and headed from the staff room to gather his things. There in his open briefcase on his desk was his study Bible with a note saying, “Thanks Dr. P., I needed this.” Yes, it is definitely worth it!  —submitted by Diane, US