Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up.  —H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Waste not fresh tears over old griefs. Waste not time on matters that are out of your hands. Have faith that we have a loving God who will always take care of us.  —Joseph- Anthony Green


How many people waste their lives torturing themselves over things that happed in their past, obsessing over the memories sometimes for decades? Does it change those events? No. Then why waste your time and health rehashing them? And, yes, sorrow negatively affects your live and health. How many people have heart problems because they refuse to let go of the past? It’s a thief stealing the joy from your life. Sometimes you may need a good, Christian therapist to help you come to grips with those events. When I experienced a traumatic event a few years ago, it took three months of therapy to deal with it and overcome those circumstances. Believe me, if it’s serious, there’s nothing unchristian about getting the help you need.


Does worry change any of the events concerning your past? No. Does worry help you get a job? No. Then why waste your time and health doing it? How many people have ulcers because they worry too much about things they cannot change? When I encounter problems in life, I strive to find a quiet place and take them to the best guidance counselor in the world—Jesus Christ. There’s not one experience you’ve had comes close to the suffering He endured when He walked this land, so who better to share your sorrow and worry with than someone who has already been through the worst of times? Close your eyes and pour out your heart to Him. Have faith that He will heal you, He will guide you, He will comfort you. Picture yourself laying all your sorrow and worry at Jesus’ feet and asking Him to take care of them for you. It works for me.


Two Prayers: O Jehovah Rapheka (God, our healer), I’m having a difficult time healing from ___________(fill in the blank with your private sorrow). I know You’re a kind and loving God. Please send the Holy Spirit to heal me and comfort me.

O Jehovah Jireh (God our provider), I’m worried about ___________(fill in the blank). Please send the Holy Spirit to comfort me and provide me with the best guidance on how to deal with this situation.

In the name of our wonderful savior Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day  —pics and copy submitted by Joseph Green, China