Christmas packages all unwrapped . . . cookies and pie all gone. The drifts of clean white snow are just a bit dirty now and the neighbors have turned off their outside Christmas lights. We’ve sung old friends and new ones. We’ve made resolutions we most likely won’t keep. But what will we do with the Christ Child?

As we pack up the lights on the tree, let’s remember: the Light of the World still shines in you if you are HIS child.

Have you given the grown man Jesus any thought? He did not live a life on this earth marked with joy and ease. Things got tougher after the manger. Can you (can I) carry His light until He returns and will no longer have need for the myrrh brought to Him from the Magi? He is alive! He is the Christ. He is the light of the world. He loves you. If you accept Him He will return for you one day, maybe soon. Until then . . .

Will His light go with you into this new year as you share and care for other people . . . or WILL YOU TURN OFF THE LIGHT OF JESUS along with the lights on the tree?

John 8:12 says, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”  —submitted by Kathy Lonsinger founder/speaker/writer A Gentle Answer Ministries