I was cooking tacos tonight and reached for the lovely red and yellow, trusty, bottle of ground cumin to add some spice. I use cumin a lot and have come to take it for granted.

Now I can describe the bottle to you from memory, I can tell you all about the wonderful dishes we’ve made together. I can sort of describe it’s aroma and flavor. Yep, we go way back, cumin and I. However . . . 

Don’t be fooled by a look-a-like!
Curried tacos anyone?!  I should have set the spices apart—far apart!

Make your own spiritual application here . . .
you’ve got it . . . WE MUST PAY ATTENTION!

Don’t be fooled! We have an enemy that wants to disguise himself as the god of our life.  He wants to trick us with slight variations to the truth. If our enemy can distract us with a doctrine or idea that is similar to the truth (but not the real deal!), he wins.

Study the real thing—the Bible, God’s Holy Word!

Set it apart.  Know the truth so you can more easily recognize the lie, and the liar. Nothing he (the father of lies) does is new. Remember Adam and Eve: “Did God really say?” (Genesis 3:1). They tasted the bitter fruit of doubting God and sinning against Him.

Satan wants us to follow his path in trying to be like God. He said: “I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:13-14).

Don’t Be Fooled!
Now, where did I put the chili powder?  —Submitted by Kathy, US

Speaker and Founder of A Gentle Answer Ministries