From the start,

it has been

Christmas at heart,

countless have seen.    

Not that we first loved God,

as some may have thought,

but that God first loved us

that He sent His Son, Jesus.

As Mary had a willing heart,

through her, our Savior was born —

of God’s plan, the scene was a part—

in a manger all forlorn.

Unlike the merciless heart of King Herod,

who was less a king and more like a pirate,

a caring heart had Mary’s fiancé, Joseph

for the baby Jesus who was born to serve.

Contrite hearts through good times and bad,

though not all, but most disciples had;

courageous hearts, had the apostles—

through thick and thin, they shared the gospel.       

Matched only by His ever forgiving heart,

God has a loving heart right from the very start;

to redeem us all from the sins of this Earth,

He sent Christ to save us from what we deserved.

The anointed Savior is Jesus

who is selfless, yet generous;

with all His names high above others,

He is Immanuel, God with us.

Though others may forsake or leave us,

especially when crises start,

Jesus will never abandon us,

but ever keep us in His heart.

Just as we are always in the heart of Jesus,

Christ, our Lord, is ever at the heart of Christmas—

His is a heart of compassion and forgiveness

that causes us to savor His love and goodness.

Of the Spirit’s fruit, love and goodness are,

not for us to hoard, but to share with others;

whether we are young or old, near or far,

we can still put on gentleness and kindness.

No less wonderful are God’s joy and peace,

that during wars and strife, they never cease

more so when we are as patient and humble as Jesus,

not just before and during, but even after Christmas.

May Christmas always be in our hearts,

beyond Christmas trees, carols, gifts and cards;

may Christ ever reign in our minds and hearts,

above condos, cars, cash and credit cards.


—submitted by Bernard (Gideon) Lim Kean Hyn, Malaysia