The year has come and is almost over,

yet, the end of the world is still not here—

from mishaps, God helps us to recover

to enjoy His season of yuletide cheer.


We need not meet the Lord face to face

to thank Him for His amazing grace;

still, the mercy He showered upon us

can also be shown by us to others.


Not only for Christians and strong believers,

but also for atheists and non-believers,

let us use “c” as our initial

to make each Christmas really special.


To have Christ in Christmas, is a must

for God’s goodness to prevail and last;

make meaningful differences, it does

when in Christ, we place our hope and trust.


Whether in or out of this special season,

Christ wants us to do much more than just listen—

He wants us to put His Word into action

by sharing His love with adults and children.


To be more and more like Christ, we are called—

at any time and at any where,

we are urged to be the light and the salt

within and beyond our homes–every where!


Let Christ be magnified beyond compare

as God commands us to love each other;

we need to have concerns to show we care—

we cannot have one without the other.


Much more than sympathy, is compassion

commitment with passion beyond mention;

much more like empathy, is love in action,

in the absence of discrimination.


When the burdens of people, we carry,

our methods of cash usage may vary;

with less or more cash, we can still be merry

by bringing joy to the needy and weary.


Christmas cards are never meant to sow discord,

but to strengthen ties with the love of God;

cookies and candies are not for children only,

but also to be savored by God’s family.


Carols we can sing to spread goodwill and cheer,

alone or in groups, we can sing every year;

there are many churches we can emulate

for their charisma and core values to date.


More than a building, is God’s bride, the church,

to save more souls for God, she has been urged;

no matter the price, for the love of Christ,

she shall arise as God’s body and eyes.


Together, we can make Christmas more meaningful,

anytime, for anybody;

forever, let us make Christmas more wonderful,

anywhere, for everybody.

—submitted by Bernard (Gideon) Lim Kean Hyn, Malaysia