Sometimes people who can see are more blind than those who cannot. Each one of us—at some point in life—get lost. We pray to God for answers to the questions we have. Indeed, God will respond to us, but sometimes we can’t see the response. And so we still wait and get stuck. Why? We, deny the response or are afraid of changes it will bring to our life.  Its funny that we ask God for answers, but when the answers are not the answers we wanted—or are hard to follow—we ignore them.  We are blinded by the world, by pleasures, and so we have become picky about God’s answers.  I remember an odj post that talked about how we tend to look for loopholes in God’s commands. We simply choose the  commands we want to follow.
If you’re waiting for God’s answer, take a second look. Maybe the answer you’ve been waiting for has been already been given . . .  —submitted by Teffi, Philippines