Hi guys, sharing this picture today because I went for a talk and was really moved.

I went for a talk during Overseas Christian Fellowship(OCF) today. 🙂 The topic, presented by a man named Ron, was miracles. He mentioned that when God works a miracle, it doesn’t necessarily mean that something great has to happen in a snap. For instance, working in his life, God changed him from an atheist to a person who now spreads God’s word—now that’s a miracle! Also, we have to differentiate between things that are amazing and a miracle. According to him and C.S. Lewis’ Miracles: A miracle is an interference with nature by supernatural power.

So, an amazing sunrise, a healed patient, a wonderful scene, may all be miracles.

“Parting soup is not a miracle, it’s a magic trick. A single mum who is working 2 jobs and still finds the time to take her kid to soccer practice, that’s a miracle. A teenager says no to drugs and yes to education, that’s a miracle.” —from the movie Bruce Almighty

This Hollywood view of miracles mentions some good things, but only God can truly perform miracles by His supernatural power. He can use us in His miraculous works and He can also perform miracles in our lives. Let’s see His miracles and be His miracles today.  😀 —pic and words submitted by Victor Kuah, Australia