When I was younger, back in the olden days (as my kids would say), I was a boy scout – Pack 5 for life, baby!. The funny thing is, I rarely attended the weekly meetings, I did shoddy work on the merit badge lessons and projects, I rarely read the Boy Scout book/manual to learn how to be a boy scout, and I never had an aspiration of pursuing the highest goal of being a boy scout – eagle scout. I didn’t like the work of being a boy scout; I just liked wearing the uniform, saying that I was part of Pack 5, and going on the fun quarterly camping trips. What kind of boy scout was I? To my chagrin, not a very good one.

This started me thinking about our relationship with Jesus. Do we attend the weekly gatherings of believers in worship and growth communities? Are we full of good works that flow out of our relationship with Jesus? Are we spending unhurried times alone with Jesus? Are we reading the book that feeds our soul and helps us survive in our ungodly and turbulent world? Are we daily pursuing the highest goal of every believer – the likeness of Jesus, our Messiah and Lord? Are we really good disciples? Or, do we just like wearing the uniform and doing the “fun stuff” of following Jesus?

What kind of disciple is it that never or rarely loves (John 13:34-35), meets with other believers (Acts 2:42-44), reads her Bible (John 8:31-33), spends time with the Leader of the pack to become more like him (Mark 3:13-15; Romans 8:28-29) or daily shoulders the burden of being associated with Jesus (Luke 9:23-24)? Probably not a very good one. But, it doesn’t have be this way. If we have failed, we can begin again today. Start by spending time alone with Jesus in prayer and reading the Bible. Ask him to revive your soul and renew your commitment to follow him more closely. This week, let’s do more than wear the uniform. Let’s truly be whom our uniform identifies us as – disciples, followers indeed!

What impacted you most about this post? What are some changes you would like to make? How can I pray for you regarding these changes?