5W1H. What’s that? Students of journalism are familiar with the “Five Ws and One H” method of fact gathering. This approach is also known as the Kipling Method, because of the poem Rudyard Kipling wrote that opens with these words:

I keep six honest serving-men;

They taught me all I knew;

Their names are What and Why and When

And How and Where and Who.

At the close of the book of Psalms are five worship songs that answer the 5W1H questions. Known as Hallelujah psalms, each begins and ends with “Praise the Lord” or the Hebrew Hallelujah. Psalm 150 contains these answers to the 5W1H questions:

Where do we worship? God is to be worshiped wherever He may be found, “in his sanctuary,” both here and in heaven (Psalm 150:1).

What do we praise God for? “His mighty works” (Psalm 150:2). Everything that He did is worthy of our praise, for He did these things for us.

When do we praise Him? Every time He acts is an occasion for praise (Psalm 150:2).

Why do we worship Him? Because of “his unequaled greatness!” (Psalm 150:2). We praise God for what He does; for who He is.

Who is to praise God? Every creature, “everything that breathes” (Psalm 150:6) is to worship the Creator God.

How do we worship Him? With joyous singing, accompanied by orchestral wind, stringed, and percussion instruments. Even dancing makes the list! (Psalm 150:3-6).

Every line of Psalm 150 is a resounding call to praise God. He deserves the full and passionate expression of our affection and devotion. May all our worship today honor and bless our amazing, loving God!

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Matthew 15:32–16:12