The bubbling of the steamer warming the milk and the humming of our office’s coffee machine created a relaxing symphony of sounds. I was enjoying the bliss when fellow Our Daily Journey author K.T. Sim dropped what some people call a “red bomb” on me.

The “red bomb” is actually a wedding invitation. In the Chinese culture, receiving one means you must now “bleed money” (we give red envelopes with cash inside to the wedding couple as a blessing). So receiving a “red bomb” is—in jest—something undesirable.

In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus told a parable about some people who spurned a king’s royal wedding invitation. “They all refused to come” and “went their own way, one to his farm, another to his business” (Matthew 22:3,5). Some even “seized his messengers and insulted them and killed them” (Matthew 22:6). Such indifference and hostility to a royal invitation seems rather odd, doesn’t it?

There could be only one possible answer: They didn’t honor the monarch as their king. Instead, they wanted to simply go about their own enterprises and pursue their own interests rather than share in the king’s joy.

Jesus shared this parable to illustrate that the King of Kings is reaching out with a loving invitation to His royal feast. Today, He’s still extending His invitation to the world. Will you come? Will you come wearing the robe of righteousness provided as a gift by God to those who believe in Jesus and receive Him as Savior? (Matthew 22:11-12).

I look forward to attending the royal banquet to be provided by God! (Revelation 19:9). It will be a time of joy and celebration in His presence. Until then, may we extend His invitation to others, for it’s His desire that all will come and dine at His table.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: 1 Corinthians 15:42-58