During the eighth century, a farmhand named Caedmon served at Whitby Abbey in the north of England. One night he had an extraordinary dream. In the dream, someone asked Caedmon to sing a song about creation. Being a farmer and not a singer, he initially refused. But as the dream progressed, he did indeed compose a song praising the Creator.

The next morning, Caedmon found that he was able to recall the song. He told his foreman about the experience and the man took him to see the abbess, St. Hilda. Hilda listened carefully to Caedmon’s story and then gave him a task: Produce another poem, this time based on a verse of Scripture. Caedmon returned the next day with the new poem.

Recognizing Caedmon’s divine gift, Hilda ordered her scholars to teach him history and the Bible. Each day he was tasked with writing a new poem. And after a night’s reflection on the Scripture given him, we’re told that Caedmon would create verses with such “sweetness and humility” that they moved people to worship and conversion.

Many of us have believed that God calls only pastors and missionaries to do His work, not artists. We’ve wrongly thought that the gospel can be shared only through preaching, not the arts. But the Holy Spirit loves to inspire artists with songs, books, paintings, and performances that reveal God’s beauty. He empowered Bezalel, Oholiab, and other master artisans whose work on the temple moved people to worship and follow God (Exodus 31:1-6, Exodus 28:3; Psalm 27:4).

St. Hilda recognized Caedmon’s gifting, became his patron, gave him opportunities to learn and challenges to meet, and shared his work with the world. Let’s encourage artists we know to use their gifts to God’s glory!

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Judges 16:1-21