According to an Italian newspaper, more and more immigrants are asking for plastic surgery so they can look more “Western.” Some Asians are requesting procedures to reshape eyes and make them rounder; some Africans are undergoing procedures to reduce the size of their lips and reshape their bodies; other ethnicities of darker skin colors are undergoing procedures to lighten their skin because lighter skin is associated with success. These individuals, who aren’t satisfied with their appearances, would likely find it difficult to sing David’s song in Psalm 139:1-24.

David recognized that God’s intimate knowledge of him was so complete that it began even before he was born. God sovereignly watched over him as he grew in his mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13,15). Though he was hidden from human view within his mother’s body, he wasn’t hidden from the all-seeing gaze of God (Psalm 139:16). When David thought about God’s intimate knowledge of him and His superintendence of the entire process of his development, it led him to be in awe and wonder at the complexity and beauty of God’s workmanship—every minute physical detail of his body (Psalm 139:14). David’s eyes, lips, pigmentation, body type, and entire existence were not mistakes that needed to be altered, but gifts from God that needed to be acknowledged.

Let’s join David in his song of praise to God. Like one who weaves a beautiful tapestry, God created every part of our bodies with amazing detail, intention, and diversity. He made us the way we are. We’re the beautiful, wonderful, and complex workmanship of His hand. May our response to His awesome work include thanksgiving (Psalm 139:14), loyalty (Psalm 139:19-22), and humble surrender (Psalm 139:23-24).

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Philippians 3:1-21