We often connect Lazarus’ story in John 11:1-44 to the story found in Luke 10:38-42 that reveals the difference between how Mary and Martha responded to Jesus . . .

Mary is pictured as the one who sits at Jesus feet listening to what He has to say and Martha is pictured as the one who focuses on serving.

Other times we connect with the shortest verse in the Bible “Jesus Wept” that is found in John 10:35. Here we often talk about whether Jesus is weeping because He’s sad that Lazarus His friend is dead or if He’s weeping because of the lack of faith from the believers.

Most of all, however, we connect with the fact that Jesus brought a dead person back to life and with the role that this story plays in the rest of the gospel.

I believe that all of the aspects of this story are very important to us as Christians. The aspect of this story that I have connected with the most this past year has been the part in which Jesus stops and simply prays . . .

Father, thank you for hearing me. You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me” (John 11:41-42).

As I ponder this little prayer it reminds me of the example that Jesus set for us. I connect with the fact that In the midst of a very intense situation He stopped and prayed. I wonder what was going through Jesus’ mind as He prayed and wonder if there’s more to it than the few lines mentioned in Scripture. I know I can’t speak for Jesus by any means, but I imagine He could have been thinking something along the lines of . . .

“Father, You know that I love You and You know I love these people. My heart breaks for them and their sufferings. Those around me doubt Your glory and I long for them to see You. Use this part of My story to reveal Your glory to them so they will believe in You. Show them who You are and give them the faith We both long to see in their hearts.”

That mindset is a testament to whom Jesus is and who we’re called to be in Christ. Often it’s very difficult to react the way Jesus did in intense situations, but I believe that when we strive to depend on God in all things He will help us. He’ll encourage us to stop and pray.

God wants to use our stories for His glory, and He’s given us a wonderful example in the life of Jesus to follow. As we begin to take time in our daily journey to pray through the tough situations, we’ll begin to grow in our faith. The power of prayer is definitely one of the most amazing resources we have. May we use it wisely! —Matthew J. Elliottt, US