I started this year with great enthusiasm. Having mapped out a strategy for pointing the youth ministry at my church toward loving God and loving people, I shared it with some colleagues and off we went! Well, 6 months later, I did an evaluation and found we had made only minuscule progress. Discouragement covered me like a dark cloud.

When penning 2 Corinthians, Paul was possibly at the lowest ebb in his ministry. The church he loved at Corinth was in chaos. False teachers were blasting his character. His name was being slandered. There was nothing to feel triumphant about, and he had every reason to feel discouraged.

Yet we read these words: “But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession” (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Paul viewed himself as part of the conquering army of Christ. He recognized that no matter how disappointing and discouraging the ministry, God was in control of every single detail and He would ultimately triumph!

The apostle added, “Now he uses us.” Yes, even during those moments when we feel that we’re not making much impact, God is using us. Someone said, “In heaven, there will be lots of surprises. There will be people thanking you for your influence in their lives of which you have no recollection.”

When we feel discouraged, let’s lift up our spirits through thanksgiving and remembering that God has chosen us to march in triumph with Him. We will triumph because Christ always triumphs!

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Daniel 2:25-49