From the window of my office in Singapore, I observed that a plot of land was being excavated to make way for a new building. But for many months, the building project didn’t seem to make much progress despite a flurry of activity.

Apparently, the engineers weren’t too happy with the foundation. So they employed various techniques over a lengthy period of time to ensure that it was firm. And, lo and behold, once the foundation was established, the building project went into “overdrive.” Within 2 weeks, it was already two stories high.

Jesus used the parable of the foolish and wise builders to conclude His Sermon on the Mount. It speaks of the importance of our life’s foundation—something, regrettably, that is often out of sight and out of mind.

So how can we be like the wise man who built his house on the rock? Jesus gives us two key imperatives: “[Listen] to my teaching” and “[follow] it” (Matthew 7:24).

What are some ways we can “hear” the Word? Here are some ideas: attend church services, join a small group, personally read and study the Bible, listen to audio sermons in the car. Then we need to do what it says. This means responding to what we hear by allowing God’s Word to change our thinking and shape our behaviors.

Life will always make demands on our time and energy that cry out for immediate attention. Taking time to hear God’s Word and do what it says, by comparison, doesn’t shout quite so loudly when neglected. It can be effectively shortchanged for large periods of time before it gives way to a sinkhole-like cave-in.

Let’s be deliberate in taking the time to hear and obey God’s Word, for the wise person builds a life on biblical truth.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Isaiah 6:1-13