When Hurricane Katrina hit the US coast, Reverend Jones—a retired pastor—and his wife left their home and went to a shelter. The pastor’s daughter pleaded with him to come to Atlanta to stay with her, but the couple didn’t have any money to make the trip because the banks were closed.

After the storm passed, they returned to their home to get a few belongings, but were able to salvage only a few family photos that were floating in the water. As he took his father’s photo out of its frame so it could dry, $366 that his dad had hidden away decades before fell out. It was just enough for them to make the trip to Atlanta. Reverend Jones learned anew that he could always rely on Jesus in the midst of life’s storms.

One evening, Jesus instructed His disciples to cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (Mark 4:35). A sudden and violent storm arose, a common occurrence at that time (Mark 4:37). Though the disciples had been aware that violent storms could flare up, they dripped as much with fear as with water from the powerful wind, rain, and waves. They woke Jesus from His sleep, accusing Him of being an uncaring and aloof Rabbi (Mark 4:38). Jesus stood up and spoke with heaven’s authority: “Silence! Be still!” (Mark 4:39). With those three words, He muzzled the squall of the storm and the shrieks of His disciples. He proved that He was the Lord of storms. The disciples learned to have more faith (Mark 4:40-41).

Every believer in Jesus will experience spontaneous and violent storms—persecution, financial reversal, illness, disappointment, and loneliness. But we don’t have to be afraid as those waves rock us, for Jesus is Lord of our storms. Let’s place our trust in the One who provides peace in the midst of them.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Esther 1:1-22