When I was young, one of my favorite days was May 1. Known as May Day, it gave me a chance to hope for a kiss on the cheek from my latest crush. Making small baskets filled with candy, my friends and I would leave the gifts of affection on the doorsteps of those we knew, ring the doorbell, and run. If we left a basket for someone we liked, we ran slowly because getting caught meant getting kissed. Gone are those days of innocence.
Social strife. Financial collapse. Political injustice. Checking the news, we find reasons for discouragement. Though there’s no new evil under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9), human beings continue to face trying times just as Jesus foretold (Matthew 24:6-10).
The early church, however, stands as an example of how the power of Jesus becomes real even in times of challenge and despair. Because the believers in that age were convinced of the resurrection of Jesus, the Word became alive in their hearts, and they quickly became agents of change. They preached, prayed, and gave (Acts 4:24,29-37). In short, they were ambassadors of Jesus and His good news as they spoke new life to the people they encountered (Acts 6:10).
Today, we can come alongside others to offer them a message of hope beyond man’s ability (Isaiah 35:1-5). Just as He did in the early church, the Holy Spirit works through us to reveal the heart of God to others. More than positive claims or random acts of kindness, being an encourager presents the opportunity for us to change the world around us for Christ.
We share word and deeds of hope because Jesus showed us how (John 3:16; 1 John 4:19-21). No matter what we find in the news, Jesus’ good news extends true encouragement to all people.
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Nehemiah 8:1-18
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:10-18 and consider why God’s message of encouragement must be present in individual members of His church for it to minister well to all people.
How have you been (or not been) a source of encouragement to others? In what tangible ways can you be an encouragement to someone this week?
Tom Felten on May 1, 2014 at 9:38 am
Regina, thanks so much for this encouraging word from God’s Word. As we look to history, we see countless martyrs and other believers who have encouraged us by their giving, passionate faith. Those who have gone before us are “a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith,” the writer of Hebrews tells us (Hebrews 12:1). May we follow in their footsteps and live out a faith that encourages those who come behind us!
Regina Franklin on May 2, 2014 at 9:36 pm
Good image, Tom. Whenever I start to think that my situation is somehow unique or beyond what I think should be happening, I remind myself that others have traversed far more difficult paths. But what a great picture–those in the great cloud of witnesses don’t stand there wagging a finger of dismay at us when we are struggling. Instead, they stand cheering . . . How much more must the Father look on us and say, “Keep pressing on, dear ones. I am more than enough to carry you through.”
mleue on May 1, 2014 at 3:31 pm
Thank you.
Regina Franklin on May 2, 2014 at 9:34 pm
Blessings, mleue! May the Lord be your encouragement.
Winn Collier on May 4, 2014 at 5:18 pm
“message of hope beyond man’s ability” – thankful for that.