Barely a few inches long, the image on the sonogram looked like something from a science fiction movie. With distinctive little nubs for hands and a clearly defined head, I could see the promise of the one who was to be our firstborn. Still unknown were the gender, personality traits, and distinctive qualities to fill out the picture of the now-beating heart. Capturing the image of this little life in the womb, the sonogram pictures were treasures for my husband and me. They reminded us that what we couldn’t see with our naked eye was indeed real, though hidden.

The capacity to produce and bring forth something seen from the unseen is inherent in all living things (Genesis 1:12,24). Humans are unique, however, in our ability to hope. We live in hope because—though marred by sin—we carry the DNA of our Creator (Genesis 1:27).

For the believer, seeing something we hoped for come to fruition isn’t about raw human ability. We base our hopes on the hard foundation of this truth: God fulfills what He designs (Psalm 139:13,15-16; Philippians 1:6; Hebrews 6:18). Like the formation of a child in its mother’s womb, however, the fulfillment of a hoped for outcome in life takes place in stages—many of them imperceptible with the natural eye.

Seasons of waiting can be difficult, for our emotions become especially heightened in times of protracted delay. When the questions—from ourselves and others—pile on top of one another, we must choose to settle ourselves on the “strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls” (Hebrews 6:19). For whether a hope is realized or not is based in God’s perfect plans. Our role? Stay focused, be patient, and accept His loving will in hope.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Exodus 9:8–10:29