In February of 2011, Andrew Wilson, an Australian fisherman was fishing off the coast of New South Wales when he was thrown from his boat by a large wave. Without a life jacket, but filled with adrenaline and tenacity, Wilson braved the shark-infested waters and simply kept swimming. “I wasn’t going to stop, so I just kept going.”

Wilson survived the ordeal with minor injuries. One local rescuer opined: “Lucky he was a strong swimmer.” The same could not be said for the disciples in Lystra, Antioch, and Iconium; in a way they were new swimmers and needed mentors—Paul and Barnabas—to strengthen and encourage them to keep going.

After experiencing a near-death stoning in Lystra at the hands of a violent mob (incited by Jews from Antioch and Iconium) and preaching the gospel in Derbe, Paul did the unexpected. He and Barnabas returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch—the very cities where their lives had been in danger!

Why would they return to those cities of potential harm? They could have taken a less arduous route and kept traveling southeast and visited Paul’s home in Tarsus. But Paul and Barnabas weren’t thinking of themselves; they were concerned about strengthening some “new believers” to keep going and not give up. They wanted to make sure the new disciples were spiritually healthy and had solid spiritual leadership.

We too have a responsibility to new or inexperienced believers in Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit, let’s strengthen their souls, help them to depend on God in the face of pain, and to keep going in the midst of the dangerous waters of uncertainty, trial, and suffering. And let’s remind them that endurance is a hallmark of true Christian faith and it brings spiritual rewards.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: 1 Samuel 28:1-25