I was shocked to learn that a registered sex offender lives in our neighborhood. According to public records, my neighbor was convicted on child pornography charges. Although I’ve never met the man, I hope he’s changed his ways and no longer poses a threat to children. Still, I’ve experienced the urge to permanently quarantine my kids.

The world is full of crime, natural disasters, and other dangers. So even though I want to give my children safe passage from childhood to adulthood, there are no guarantees. I wonder, however, is there something more I should be doing?

Ezra needed safe passage for himself and thousands of Jewish exiles as they journeyed 800 to 900 miles from Babylon to Jerusalem. Their caravan would be carrying millions of dollars worth of gold, silver, and bronze through an area infested with outlaws. They would spend 4 months on the road, and Ezra had to find a way for them to safely make it to the Holy City.

He was ashamed to ask the Persian king for bodyguards because he had previously told him, “Our God’s hand of protection is on all who worship Him” (Ezra 8:22). Ezra had publicly trusted God to defend the Israelites, and he knew true safety was found in Him alone. So Israel’s leader ordered the people to fast and humble themselves before God. The Israelites prayed that God would protect them, their children, and their goods as they traveled (Ezra 8:21). And God heard their prayer! The “gracious hand” of God saved His people from “enemies and bandits” (Ezra 8:31).

Ezra’s faith in God’s protection inspires me to pray for my kids’ safety. After I’ve taken every precaution, I choose to trust that God’s strong hand that holds me will also hold them securely (Psalm 63:8).

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Genesis 9:1-17