When our first child was born, my husband determined to share in the care of our child. While we have different parenting strengths and styles, we have carried the responsibilities together, with the exception of one area. My husband decided that although nature’s design made it impossible for him to physically feed our baby, he would at least help with the late-night feedings in spirit by waking up to keep me and our firstborn company. Though his efforts were valiant, a week later he was back to snoozing through most of them. Looking back, I have learned that not everything can be done together; some places we must walk alone.

Returning from exile to restore the wall around God’s holy city, Nehemiah faced a formidable task. His enemies were waiting to disrupt his mission, so Nehemiah chose to survey the city at night with only a few trusted people at his side. He couldn’t risk interruption; nor could he risk having the wrong people involved in the planning of the wall reconstruction.

The more relational we are, the more we look to involve other people in whatever we undertake in life. While we’re called to help carry the load for one another (Galatians 6:2)—and the Bible talks about the need for encouragement within the body of Christ (Hebrews 10:24- 25)—there are some places we must travel on our own in order to know that God alone is our stronghold.

Consider Psalm 134:1, which says, “Oh, praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve at night in the house of the Lord.” Separated from others, a night watchman serves when everyone else is at rest. This verse, however, teaches us that a night hour becomes a blessing, not a hardship, as we learn to trust God to be our validation and to carry our burdens.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Acts 2:14-40