The first time I met her, something in our interaction truly bothered me. A day later, I was praying to God and searching my heart to see why I felt so unsettled around my new acquaintance. After all, it had been a pretty typical social gathering, and I usually enjoy getting to know people. Still sorting it out today, I’ve asked the Holy Spirit to show me whether I was truly sensing something negative and real or if I was simply caught up in the comparison game once again.

When it comes to dealing with jealousy, we sometimes try to bury our feelings or “pretty them up” with some spiritual-sounding words. But when we truly touch base with the truth, jealousy is just plain ugly.

James even goes so far as to say, “Jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. . . . There you will find disorder and evil of every kind” (James 3:15-16). Did you notice it says jealousy is demonic? Although this word may appear strong, when it comes to the trap of comparing ourselves to others, we know that this practice originated with the father of lies.

Have you experienced a selfish desire for something belonging to another person? Have you felt that strong emotional response as you’ve been sizing up others? Whether we diminish ourselves or someone else because we fail to measure up, the result is destructive (James 3:9-10).

Pushing our feelings down inside doesn’t make the green-eyed monster go away. When our words—spoken or not—begin to show a change from fresh to bitter water (James 3:11-12), we need to reveal the darkness in our hearts to God and experience the healing power of His Word. Only He can help us overcome jealousy.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Mark 12:28-37