I watched a ladybug devour an aphid. First, she pierced its midsection and chewed for a while. When her prey was mortally wounded, the ladybug munched up the left side of the aphid’s body and devoured it.

In the book of Proverbs, Solomon described the interaction between a female predator and her sexual prey. Although he wrote the passage to caution his son, men and women alike can learn to spot the aggressive— yet seductive—behavior of promiscuous prowlers.

Solomon’s story in Proverbs 7 featured a lady of the evening who was the “brash, rebellious type, never content to stay at home” (Proverbs 7:11). She was constantly out on the town looking for “a good time,” disregarding the laws of decent behavior. Although some of us may be drawn to people who have a rebellious streak, in the end, those who disrespect the law won’t respect us either.

Predators often show their lack of respect through inappropriate advances. The prostitute Solomon described “threw her arms around [a complete stranger] and kissed him” (Proverbs 7:13). People who make us feel uncomfortable with touchy-feely behavior or seem too physically familiar should be avoided.

As if hugs and kisses weren’t enough to snare her prey, the huntress used this lame pickup line to entice the guy: “You’re the one I was looking for!” (Proverbs 7:15). Then she described what they could do in private. She “seduced him with her pretty speech and enticed him with her flattery” (Proverbs 7:21).

This ferocious female’s behavior was possible partly because her prey “lacked common sense” (Proverbs 7:7). He was crossing the street near her house at twilight. God’s Word commands us to get “wisdom” and “develop good judgment” (Proverbs 4:5), because wisdom can protect us from people whose “bedroom is the den of death” (Proverbs 7:27).

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Luke 18:1-14