Tag  |  promiscuity


Historians weren’t sure if Reformer Huldrych Zwingli had been sexually promiscuous with the daughter of a prominent citizen. Misbehaving priests weren’t uncommon in the 16th century, yet such gossip seemed like something his Roman Catholic enemies might spread to discredit Zwingli.

predator and prey

I watched a ladybug devour an aphid. First, she pierced its midsection and chewed for a while. When her prey was mortally wounded, the ladybug munched up the left side of the aphid’s body and devoured it.

In the book of Proverbs, Solomon described the interaction between a female predator and her sexual prey. Although he wrote the passage to…

not a hint

"You know, I’m really, really happy that I chose to sleep around while I was in my teens and twenties.” “Pornography has made my marriage so much better.” “Letting my lust run wild has really drawn me closer to God.”

Okay, I’ve never heard someone say anything even remotely close to these statements. After having counseled many individuals and couples…

even the women

The mothers in my neighborhood threw a party for the distinctive feature of the male anatomy—one of them even baked a cake in its shape and invited my wife over to see it. My wife politely declined, but the incident reminded us that we’re living in an increasingly pornographic world.

Sexual sin is always wrong, but it’s particularly troubling when…

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