Julio Diaz stepped off the late-night subway en route to his favorite diner when a knife-wielding teen demanded his wallet. Diaz handed the wallet over; but as the mugger began to walk away, Diaz stopped him. “If you’re going to be robbing people for the rest of the night,” Diaz said, “you might as well take my coat to keep you warm.” He handed the boy his jacket and then invited the bewildered mugger to join him for dinner. Before the evening ended, Diaz again had his wallet, as well as the boy’s knife, but not before sending the mugger away with $20.

I wonder if Diaz had Jesus’ words in mind: “If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also” (Luke 6:29)? Diaz’s story is striking because it stands at odds with our prevailing culture. We learn early to watch out for ourselves, not let others take advantage of us, and to make sure we always get what we need first. Jesus and the gospel, however, teach us an entirely different way— the way of radical love.

For Jesus, love is an act that flies in the face of conventional wisdom and common sense. Rather than strike back at those who harm us, we’re to treat them with generosity and kindness. What could be more unconventional than receiving someone’s abuse and not retaliating? What could be more radical than “[giving] to anyone who asks” us for assistance or lending money and resources to our enemies without ever “expecting to   be repaid”? (Luke 6:29-30,35).

With these astonishing examples, Jesus defines love not as a sentimental emotion but as a sturdy, daring act of selflessness. Love costs. Love hurts. Love requires courageous obedience. Jesus demonstrated ultimate love on a cross, the most radical and generous act we will ever know.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Luke 1:5-25