A video on YouTube captured a mother squirrel trying to teach her baby how to scale a cement wall. Over and over the mother squirrel patiently showed how it was done, but the wall was simply too big for the younger rodent to conquer.

Eventually, a few college students intervened. They first placed a backpack up against the wall, hoping it would function as a step for the younger squirrel. But it wasn’t tall enough. Next, they made a higher step by placing a couple of sandbags on top of one another. Finally the little squirrel climbed on top of the sandbags and scaled the daunting wall— having learned a valuable survival lesson.

This little drama from the animal kingdom reminds me of how God often deals with us. One of the reasons He doesn’t instantly resolve our struggles or take us out of seemingly insurmountable challenges is because they provide valuable learning experiences.

For instance, after He brought Pharaoh to his knees through a series of crippling plagues (Exodus 12:31-32), God didn’t pack the Israelites’ bags and march them out of Egypt. They had to do it themselves, learning the valuable lesson that faith and effort often go hand in hand.

Too often the Christian walk is seen as believers sitting back and letting God do everything for us. That’s rarely the case. While God is always God, and we can do nothing apart from Him (John 15:5), He’s not going to do all the work. Sometimes He will provide a “backpack” or a “sandbag,” but He knows there are lessons for us to learn through effort that will make us better in the long run.