Jason took a trip to New York during spring break. One afternoon, he piled into a cab with some friends and headed for the Empire State Building. The ride seemed totally chaotic and dangerous to Jason. After arriving at their destination, the group headed up to the observation deck.

Once there, Jason paused to take in the view—102 floors above the ground. To his amazement, he saw order and design in the city streets where—only a few minutes before—he had experienced chaos. Jason was struck by the change of perspective. Jammed in a cab amid the honking horns of turbulent traffic, he had one view of life. But his perch up on the Empire State Building gave him an entirely different take.

To Habakkuk, God seemed indifferent to the evil permeating Judah. And he was greatly disturbed when God said He would use the wicked Babylonians to judge His people (Habakkuk 1:5-11).

God responded to Habakkuk’s complaints (Habakkuk 1:12–2:1) without explaining why He chose to use the Babylonians. Instead, He gave Habakkuk a divine perspective.

Habakkuk 2:2-20 reminds us that God is all about righteousness. He might choose to use wicked people to further His purposes, but that doesn’t mean He approves of their sin. No, God will ultimately punish the wicked for the evil they’ve committed. It’s reassuring to know that the sinful deeds of men can’t thwart the purposes of God.

God is sovereign. He will work things out in our lives for His purposes. His plans will be completed and on His schedule.

As humans, our perspective is limited. We can’t view the whole picture from our “cab ride” through life; only God can see it all from “His holy temple” (Habakkuk 2:20). Things may seem chaotic in your life. But take heart, for “the Sovereign Lord is [our] strength” (Habakkuk 3:19).