After making all the petitions for God’s glory to be magnified (Matthew 6:9-10) and for God’s grace to meet our needs (Matthew 6:11-13), The Lord’s Prayer concludes with a praise item, a doxology: “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen” (Matthew 6:13 NKJV).

This doxology isn’t found in the oldest and most reliable Greek manuscripts. That’s why some Bibles have it printed as a footnote. Bible scholars believe that the doxology was added much later—sometime in the first or second century AD.

Now, just because Jesus didn’t speak them, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use these words today. There’s nothing theologically incorrect about its wording. In fact, King David offered a similar doxology when he dedicated the materials that were collected for the building of the temple (1 Chronicles 29:10-11). Scholars believed that verse 13 is based on David’s doxology. In the New Testament, we see the angels in heaven praising God with a similar doxology (Revelation 5:13).

In response to God’s gracious provisions (Matthew 6:11), pardon (Matthew 6:12), and protection (Matthew 6:13), we offer our heartfelt worship to the Father. “Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

There are three significant phrases in the doxology: the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever: The kingdom speaks of God’s sovereignty—He is King; the power describes our trust in His omnipotence. He is the all-powerful King; the glory forever is a joyful declaration of His Majesty. He is the glorious King.

The doxology beautifully describes the One we pray to and praise. He alone deserves the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.