I recently ran across a Web site that instructs you in ways to take revenge. Later, I was stunned to find many online sites that are dedicated to getting even. From “thepayback.com” to “makehimpay.net,” they feature stories and tips on how to get even with people who rub you the wrong way. The sites are obviously put together by folks who live by the saying, “I don’t get mad. I get even.”

If there was ever someone who had the chance to get even, it was Joseph. After his jealous older brothers sold him into slavery and staged his death (Genesis 37), they thought they were done with him. But that wasn’t the last time they would see the kid with the multicolored coat. Joseph eventually landed in Egypt, where his life took a number of divine twists and turns. In fact, by the time Joseph was just 30 years old, Pharaoh had put him in charge of the whole land of Egypt (41:41-43).

Joseph proved to be a wise ruler. During some good crop-growing years, he stored up huge quantities of food to get the people through the years of famine that were to come (vv.47-49). Later, during the famine years, Joseph’s brothers traveled to Egypt to buy food. This presented a golden opportunity for him to get revenge. But rather than get even, Joseph showed mercy (50:15-22).

In the end, he demonstrated a level of forgiveness that could only be of God (ch.45). Joseph recognized that he was involved in something much larger than himself—something bigger than even his own mistreatment (v.5).

Have you been wronged by someone? Seek God instead of revenge. He can use hurtful things to bring about a larger good (45:7-8).