Their fatigue and discomfort blended with the barren landscape as the group walked through the dirt streets. Trash littered what could hardly be considered front yards. This arid area of Choluteca known as “The New City” exists in denial of its name. Unclothed children, wild dogs, and a few large pigs ran through the streets with little purpose or focus beyond survival. For the mission team members, accustomed to green grass and a ready source of water, this view of Honduras was a stark reminder of their ultimate purpose to proclaim that Jesus gives new life found in wells that never run dry.

The suffering of others often eludes our glance because we’re caught up in the pace of everyday life. Surrounded by deadlines, family issues, and various trials, we are easily drawn into self-centered living. Our hearts aren’t hard; they’re distracted by the noisy, consuming world in which we live.

Warning against self-absorption, Paul teaches that contentment is not a circumstantial condition. Satisfaction comes only as we position ourselves to be consumed with nothing but God (Matthew 5:6). In reminding us of our temporary stay, Paul writes, “We brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it” (1 Timothy 6:7).

God doesn’t want us to live feeling guilty for the blessings and material things we’ve been given. He does challenge us, however, to live with both His justice and His mercy in view (Micah 6:8). When we “walk humbly with our God” and live toward this end, what we possess becomes a means for the advancement of His kingdom (Matthew 14:15-21).

Whether we sit in need or in abundance, we must regularly assess if our time, money, and energy are being used for what is everlasting or for what will never satisfy (Isaiah 55:1-2).