One of the most magnificent sights in nature is the rising of a full moon. It’s bright and majestic and it looks absolutely huge as it ascends in the night sky!

As a full moon hovers just above the horizon, it appears much larger than normal. The “moon illusion,” as it’s known, is an optical illusion that tricks our eyes into thinking the moon is much larger when it’s near the horizon. But it’s not. The truth is that a full moon is not any closer or bigger when it’s at the skyline than when it’s directly overhead.

The rising full moon is such an impressive sight that God had to warn His people—those He had rescued from slavery in Egypt through awe-inspiring miracles—not to get caught up in worshiping it. “When you look up into the sky and see the sun, moon, and stars—all the forces of heaven—don’t be seduced into worshiping them. The Lord your God gave them to all the peoples of the earth” (Deuteronomy 4:19). The people of the ancient city of Jericho should have taken those words to heart. For history tells us that their city, which would later be conquered by the Israelites in their Promised Land quest, had succumbed to lunar worship.

I’ve never gotten tired of seeing a full moon explode onto the scene of the night sky. I pray I never do. A sense of awe and wonder is an appropriate response. But instead of worshiping it, we should reflect on the One who created it. In the book of Psalms, God refers to the moon as His “faithful witness in the sky” (89:37).

Next time you find yourself gazing at a full moon rising, look past its stunning beauty to the God who hung it in the sky long ago (Genesis 1:14-18).