I once knew a guy who liked to say, “The clothes make the man.” He dressed impeccably and enjoyed strutting into meetings in his fine-tailored trappings. Sadly, his personal and professional life later unraveled—revealing a very tattered and torn character within.

In Revelation 19, we see two drastically different styles of dress. In preparation for the wedding of the Lamb, where the church is united with Jesus her Savior, she is wearing “the finest of pure white linen” (v.8). The writer of Revelation, John, explains that the pure white dress “represents the good deeds of God’s holy people.” By God’s grace, we—the church—will one day be adorned in clothing that has been “woven” by the deeds we have done for Jesus. The importance of living holy and righteous lives for Him now is vividly seen in this vision given to John.

Jesus, unlike the white of His bride, the church, is seen wearing a piece of clothing that has been “dipped in blood” (v.13). His crimson covering shows that Jesus is the great destroyer of Babylon (ch.18), and the One whose fury will be unleashed on all the enemies of God (19:11-21). This awesome view of Jesus’ wrath is reflected in Isaiah 63:1-6, where the Lord is again adorned in crimson (v.2). He tramples His enemies “as if they were grapes” (v.3).

God’s holy wrath is also righteous. He is “named Faithful and True, for He judges fairly” (Revelation 19:11). We are not to be the judge or avenger, only God is (v.2). Our human wrath does not reflect His righteous version (Romans 12:19).

So let’s leave revenge and final judgment to Him and let our “good deeds shine out for all to see” (Matthew 5:16). Those works produce the “material” that truly make the man and woman of God.