British builder Ian Taylor tried to make a point by sawing his Ford Fiesta in half after parking officers “booted” the car. It was parked a measly 2 inches over the line, and he would have had to fork over $400 to free the $100 car he planned to give to his stepson.

In case you’re siding with this guy, let me finish the story. As Mr. Taylor sawed away, the car eventually caught on fire. This required firefighters and police to douse the flames and secure the area to keep bystanders safe.

When we refuse correction, consequences follow. But, accepting discipline—either from God or earthly authorities—“yields a peaceful harvest of right living” (Hebrews 12:11), and it has a meaningful payoff when it comes to disciplining our own children.

Our response to correction sets an example for our kids. As Solomon said, “If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding” (Proverbs 15:32). When we mess up, our kids need to see us humbly accept and learn from the consequences. That way, they’ll know what to do when we discipline them.

Our own submission to authority not only models how our kids should respond to our discipline, but it also teaches them to respect God’s correction as they grow older. The writer of Hebrews puts it this way: “God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share  in His holiness” (12:10).

Experiencing the correction that God allows has tons of benefits: assurance of His love (v.6), a sense of belonging (v.7), and even the peace that comes from right living (v.11). But for parents, there’s more. The key to correcting our children may begin with accepting discipline, not resisting the “boot.”