Who are you? Who, who, who, who?” These opening lyrics of a classic pop song are more than just lines from a catchy tune. The lyrics actually raise a key question: Do you know who you really are?

It’s an important question. And answering it isn’t as simple as rattling off your name, where you live, and what you do for a living. You are more than the basic information found on your driver’s license—a lot more. To truly answer the question, you have to put away your driver’s license and pull out your Bible.

For starters, the opening pages of the Bible tell us that we bear the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). In fact, human beings are the only part of His creation to hold the distinct honor of being created in God’s likeness. Unlike a thundering herd of wild horses or a snow-capped mountain or a constellation of stars in the night sky, we carry around the dignity of being marked by the image of God.

The Bible also tells us that “we are [God’s] offspring” (Acts 17:28). In other words, we are precious children of the King of the universe. Amazing! Who we are is wrapped up in the truth that we are people created in His image, who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. We can walk in the peace and the joy and the purpose of our new life in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17).

It’s important that these answers resonate with your own understanding of who you are in Jesus. Much is riding on how you answer the question at the start of this article. If you don’t know who you really are, you will continue to live in lesser ways than God intended for you.

So, who are you?