As I was sorting through the daily mail, my life suddenly merged with the lives of fellow believers thousands of miles away. As I looked at the simple foldout from a magazine, the brown and white colors of the map muted the violent attacks these persecuted Christians endure. The map, pinpointing places where the gospel goes forth with great struggle, reminded me of Paul’s call to pray for those who boldly speak the Word of God (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2).

Whether we share the gospel in a country where religious freedom is upheld or in one where persecution abounds, the battles are real. To be victorious, it’s vital that we possess perseverance and resolve.

Intimacy with the Lord both solidifies our purpose and sustains our obedience when circumstances seem uncertain. In Exodus 33, we read that the Israelites would stand at the door of their tents while Joshua followed Moses and moved beyond his place of comfort to the very presence of God. And there Joshua would linger (v.11). His determination to be in close relationship with his sovereign Lord paved the way to the places where God was leading him.

Our own “times in the tent” are essential for our relationship with God. They may include quiet reflection or moments of anguish and days of questioning. As we experience God’s presence, He examines our hearts and purifies our motives. As we experience a time of sustained worship and submission, we begin to see His perspective (1 Cor. 2:12-16).

When the battle seems overwhelming, being “in the tent” determines our response. Communion with the One who holds the future is the only thing that will take us past discouragement to determined faith. From that place, victory is won (Luke 22:41-43).