I was browsing through a rack of T-shirts. Each one featured a sassy one-liner across the front. One shirt read: Cancel my subscription. I’m done with your issues! I chuckled to myself. But as I thought about it, I realized the wisecrack sums up today’s attitude toward those of us who have more “issues” than others. So, why should we “continue to love one another” (v.7), when it would be much easier to simply move on?

Persisting in our love for people—especially the challenging ones—gives the world a clue about the nature of God. In 1 John 4:8, John says, “God is love.” God’s love is patient, is full of hope, and endures through every circumstance. When we hang in there with people who try our patience, we’re mirroring the heart of God.

While the weight of that responsibility should always be present in the life of a believer, there’s a good reason for it. Loving when it’s hard is a response to the affection that God shows to us. We all have “issues” that He finds offensive! Still, God cares enough to offer us an ongoing relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ. And, John reminds us, “Since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other” (v.11).

Following through with our response to God’s love assures us that He is present in our lives. John goes on to say, “If we love each other, God lives in us” (v.12). God lives in us. That truth provides major encouragement when we think about staying put with people who press our buttons.

While the world is spelling out its attitude on T-shirts, it’s our job as Christians to act out God’s love in real life. It is His enduring love that leads to peace and satisfaction, not the quick fix of canceling our subscription.