Not too long ago, I visited a friend whose wife had just died of cancer. The two had been strong believers in Jesus, actively serving in the church. Then cancer struck. For 6 months, the church prayed earnestly for healing. But God didn’t seem to care. The man felt that God had abandoned them at the time when they needed Him most. He felt that God had purposely increased their pain to make their suffering worse.

As I talked with the grieving husband, the one question he kept asking me was: “Why?” Why did God allow his wife to die? Why would God allow him to suffer so much pain?

Job asked that same question: “Why?” He suffered financial ruin (Job 1:14-17). His 10 children were killed in a natural disaster (1:18-19). He experienced a painful skin disease (2:7). Three key things in a man’s life are his family, his health, and his wealth. Job lost them all.

In his loss, Job sought answers from God (23:2-9). He questioned God’s fairness and demanded an explanation for his pain (30:20-26). God lovingly responded to Job (ch. 38-41). Instead of answering Job’s questions, God asked Job more than 70 questions! When God asks us questions, it’s not because He lacks information. It’s for our understanding.

God asked Job, in essence, Can you explain how I created this world (ch. 38), how I care for this world (ch. 39), and how I control this world (Job 40-41)? God could have explained Himself, but He chose to reveal Himself.

When we’re in pain, we often cry out, “Why?” But we need to ask,  “Who?”  The answer to our suffering is a deeper understanding of who God really is. He is Creator (Job 38:4), Sustainer (v.41), Sovereign God (vv.13-14), and loving heavenly Father who cares deeply for us (Matthew 6:26).