Tag  |  young

learning from each other

Our young daughter Katelyn enjoys playing solitaire, but she lacks the patience to persist through the difficult points in the game. Instead of trying to solve being “stuck,” she’ll simply start a new game. I’ve challenged her not to give up but to seek the next available move.

not being a “kidult”

In 2005, two teenagers started TheRebelution.com website to encourage fellow young people to exceed low expectations and to do “hard things.” Citing 1 Timothy 4:12, one of its founders said, “As young people we are called to be exemplary in all areas of life. [But] our generation is falling incredibly short of that calling. Instead of serving as the launching pad of life, the teen years are seen as a vacation from responsibility.”

all the time in the world

Do you remember me?” A pause. Vacant eyes. My mother was speaking to Betty, a fellow churchgoer from years past, who now lived at a local nursing home. My mom tried again. “Do you remember my husband? He’s right here.” Betty responded with an excited “Yes,” followed by a look of confusion. As the two women talked, Betty’s mind faded…

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