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you choose Q: how do I deal with job loss?

Q: There are many people who are looking for a job and are frustrated with the way our economy has changed in the past few years. What is some Bible-based advice for these situations?  —Gerald

A: Many people are struggling to make sense of today’s transitional work world. Any time there is a change in an organization—new leadership, merger, acquisition, downturn…

diplomas in the deep

In the early 1900s, a brilliant young man named John left China to pursue an education in the US. He completed his bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. degrees in just 5 years. But he was troubled by the question: “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?” (Matthew 16:26). He ended up enrolling in…

one lost coin

Where’s that brown envelope I left on the kitchen table?” I asked my daughter. “On the dining room table,” she said. It wasn’t on that table, so I began a frantic search throughout the entire house— from the kitchen to the bedrooms—for the misplaced envelope. Even the trashcans weren’t spared from the scrutiny. What was the big fuss over a…

September 6, 2011

What are the three things you value the most? Why?

sin and self-worth

A youth pastor avoids telling his teenagers that they’re sinners because he doesn’t want to leave the impression that they “suck” (that they’re bad or worthless). A popular author denies that infants are born with a sin nature because that would mean that “babies suck.” And a friend who confessed to an especially offensive sin said, “I guess this means I…


After a 7-year hiatus of staying home with our children, I returned to teaching this year. Acclimating to the demands of being a high school English teacher, I realized I had not missed grading essays. I love watching students grow in their writing, but the rigor of reading and grading 25 essays at a time can be mind-boggling. To keep…


I recently visited “The First Baptist Church in America.” Founded by Roger Williams in 1638 in Providence, Rhode Island, the present church building was constructed in 1775. Its colonial structure is impressive, with its towering steeple, high pulpit, and boxed pews. Each pew is surrounded by a low wall and gate, and was possessed by families who sat together during…

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