Tag  |  tolerance

the only way?

Meryl Streep played a nun in the movie Doubt, so, of course, she was asked her opinion on religion. She answered that the teachings of various religions “form a kind of fence that divides us from each other,” and that as a mother “I deeply resent the idea that if you’re not a member of a church, temple, ashram, synagogue…

February 21, 2011

How should believers in Jesus view tolerance? How do we stand for biblical truth while also conveying the love of God?

speak the truth

Today, most of us live in a highly pluralistic society. Our next-door neighbor could well be Chinese, Ethiopian, or European. And, in the name of harmony, we’re told to respect differing views and opinions.

But when voices of culture state that homosexuality, abortion, and cohabitation are acceptable lifestyle choices, what should believers in Jesus do? When God’s truth is replaced…

temple of tolerance

A news story presented the plight of a Christian school that was forced to move because a group of local citizens felt it was “proselytizing.” How were the students and staff forcing their faith on others? They were singing hymns and praying out loud within the walls of the school. The people who caused the school to take a hike sound…


Are you dangerous?

A recent article reports that Germany, the land of Martin Luther, has become increasingly critical of the 1.3 million evangelical Christians living there. The media has become more and more hostile to believers in Jesus. According to one German seminary leader, they are often described as “dangerous fundamentalists.” Why? They “are misfits in the framework of a…

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