Tag  |  time with God

October 8, 2012

How do you prepare your heart and mind for time with God . . . for devotions?

His gift

I am not a morning person, never have been. (Of course I am not a night person either.  Catch me mid-day.) :) Even if I was able to get a good night's sleep, I just don’t like getting out of bed in the morning. God has been dealing with me on this little issue.

Imagine your spouse or good friend buys…


Here are some things people might say to excuse themselves from worshiping and serving God: “I’m tired.”

“I feel unappreciated.”

“I don’t want to do it.”

Would we use such excuses with our employers? Hmm. . . I doubt it. So why is it that we dare to use them with God? That was exactly God’s question to His people in…

dig in

Determined to grow a vegetable garden, I dragged my shovel to a sunny patch of land and pitched it into the soil. The ground was as hard as cement, but I kept digging. Eventually, a hunk of sod came loose. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. It was rewarding to finally “dig in”—to get beyond the…

tweets and feasts

Had three meetings scheduled yesterday—after work. Made two of them, but felt rushed. How about you? Is life moving too fast? Busy-ness can keep us from those rich, refreshing times spent with God. Instead of sitting down with Him and enjoying a spiritual feast, we settle for what feels like twitter tweets. thanksgiving-feast

A good friend once asked me, "Have your…

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