wrestling angels
My boys love to wrestle me. They create names like Captain Thunder and Tiger Ninja. Adrenaline peaking, they attack me with yells, a flurry of boy-energy and with hopes that this time—this time—they will take me down. I toss them for a while, even feigning desperation so as not to crush their dream prematurely. However, I eventually lock them in…
true contentment
Whenever a friend succeeds,” Gore Vidal once said, ”a little something in me dies.” The words are sad, because a life lived in envy leaves little room for joy. But don’t Vidal’s words reflect our own feelings at times?
Every person who longs to be married knows that sinking feeling when yet another friend becomes engaged. Every childless couple feels…
the xy factor
Strategy games have never been my desire on game night. I remember the first time my husband taught me how to play RISK. Being a strong melancholy woman, I was devastated when after 2 hours of playing I had only a handful of soldiers to show for my efforts. In contrast, my husband had amassed a huge army—wiping me off…
gaining strength
After 20 years in youth ministry, my husband has weathered his fair share of injuries on the job. Most recently, he was involved in a competitive outdoor game when he twisted his foot. Playing through the pain, he conceded to his injury only after winning the contest. He limped to a nearby place to sit down and carefully remove his…
today #13
Today . . .
Lord, they mock me!
They look at me and laugh!
They even tease me!
They say, “Where is your God now?”
I am an embarrassment!
I am so upset!
Yet, when I think of Your goodness,
Yet, when I consider Your ways,
I know that You are with me!
You are my Rock!
You are my Peace!
You are my Strength!
You are my Encouragement!
Protect me, O God!
confidence to stand
Hebrews 12:25-27: Be careful that you do not refuse to listen to the One who is speaking. For if the people of Israel did not escape when they refused to listen to Moses, the earthly messenger, we will certainly not escape if we reject the One who speaks to us from heaven! When God spoke from Mount Sinai His voice…
fish on!
Fish on!” I’ve heard those words shouted many times while trolling for salmon on Lake Michigan. It’s the traditional way anglers announce that a fish has been hooked and the fight has begun.
On one occasion, the angler who grabbed the pole that was dancing wildly in the rod holder was my buddy’s teenage son, Jake. For 20 minutes, Jake…
when faith is weak
To say my Christian faith is unflappable would be untrue. It’s to the contrary. For even though I write devotions, engage in work on behalf of the poor in East Africa, and long for my confidence in Jesus Christ to be strong—often, too often, my faith is pathetically, embarrassingly weak. In the midst of personal hardships, I find it more…
worn out?
I’m just so tired.” It’s a common phrase that I’ve heard from people in my counseling office over the years. Sometimes they say the words to play the “pity me” card. Others are unknowingly lying to themselves— falling deeper into discouragement and depression. But in many cases, they’re voicing a legitimate cry of an exhausted heart.
At a time when…
get up and pray
Draw strength from God—because you’ll need it!” That’s how I would paraphrase Luke 22:40 where Jesus told His disciples, “Pray that you will not give in to temptation.” The call to pray is so urgent that Jesus repeats the plea in verse 46. The reason for this repetition is found in the warning, “so that you will not give in…
strong and beautiful
A troubled young man once told Pastor Ray Stedman, “I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I want to be a good Christian, and I try hard, but somehow I just never seem to make it. I’m always doing the wrong thing. I just can’t live like a Christian.”
Pastor Stedman pointed out a Douglas fir tree to the…