Tag  |  spiritual state

on the fence

Picture a car perched atop a metal fence—the front end on one side and the back bumper on the other side. Law enforcement agents discovered this unlikely scene when they foiled an attempt by smugglers to cross the US border from Mexico illegally. Two men had driven up ramps to the top of the 14-foot fence, and hoped to drive the car down the same way to their desired destination. When the border agents arrived on the scene, the men fled.

five words

A 2012 survey of US Millennials—ages 18 to 24— uncovered an interesting trend. The study, led by the Public Religion Research Institute, revealed that one in four young adults chose “unaffiliated” for their religious commitment. But 55 percent of that group had “identified with a religious group” when they were younger. They had simply walked away from the faith they once embraced.

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