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one before the other

The question I felt needed to be answered affirmatively before I married Miska was this: Can I live without her? My intentions were romantic and chivalrous, but my focus was dead wrong. I discovered that there was probably nobody that I literally could not live without. In time, I found the better question to ask myself: Do I want to live without Miska?

just say the word

When a man entered a Denny’s restaurant proclaiming that he was the new boss, manager Tracy Brant didn’t buy it. Although the man was sporting a coat, tie, and toting a briefcase, Tracy dialed Denny’s headquarters to verify his claim. Meanwhile, the well-dressed intruder cooked himself a burger and fries in the restaurant kitchen. Before he finished eating, Brant confirmed that he was only masquerading as a manager. He had no legitimate authority in the restaurant.

idols in us

While attending a conference in Nashville, my husband and I decided to use some free time to visit the city's replica of the Parthenon—the temple of the Greek goddess Athena. While the artwork inspired awe, we couldn't shake the hollow and cold feeling that settled on us when we entered. Towering over 40 feet high, the gilded statue of Athena…

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