Tag  |  shalom

November 3, 2014

How are you bringing shalom—God’s peace—to your corner of the world?

quitting time

Sorting through some old papers, I found a yellowed pay-stub that showed I had worked 100 hours in the span of 7 days. It’s crazy—I know, since there are only 168 hours in a week. As I fingered the faded document, I tried to recall the project that had required so much of my time many years ago. I looked…


Stephane Hessel, a 93-year-old philosopher, concentration camp survivor, and former member of the French Resistance, has written a booklet, Be Indignant. Since the publishing of the tract and its 11 printings, he has inspired the nation to fight for social justice. Hessel said to the French: “Don’t be complacent. Don’t simply accept the widening gap between rich and poor, the…

as goes the king

A righteous king brightens the lives of his people like a quiet sunrise, while one who “oppresses the poor is like a pounding rain that destroys the crops” (Proverbs 28:3). Leaders who bring peace and prosperity are revered and celebrated, but the names of wicked rulers are treated with contempt.

David’s son Solomon was one of the good ones. His…


One of my neighbors, who was born in Tibet, has taught me the traditional Tibetan greeting, “Tashi Delek.” Whenever I meet him, no matter the time of day, I see his gregarious smile and hear, “Tashi Delek”—and I reply with the same words. The words mean “fine, well” or “all things good.” I look forward to seeing him—and receiving his…

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